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Our Lady of Lourdes Awarded Champion School of Sanctuary

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School in Limerick was Nationally Awarded the Champion School of Sanctuary Designation

We are delighted to share that Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School in Rosbrien, Co. Limerick has been Awarded the esteemed status of a Champion School of Sanctuary at National level following a successful monitoring visit on the 19th of March 2024 by the School of Sanctuary Monitoring Team.

The Monitoring Team Members involving educators from 4 other local Awarded Champion and Member Schools of Sanctuary, along with representatives from Schools of Sanctuary Ireland conducted the Monitoring Visit.

Declaring Our Lady of Lourdes as Champion School of Sanctuary by the School of Sanctuary Monitoring Team Leader on behalf of the School of Sanctuary Ireland and the Monitoring Team.

The Monitoring Team was deeply impressed by the school’s unwavering dedication to fostering a culture of inclusivity and welcome for everyone, especially for refugees, asylum seekers, and other ethnic minorities. From the warm hospitality extended by staff and students to the vibrant displays celebrating diversity, Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School exemplifies the spirit of sanctuary.

The Monitoring Team Members had the opportunity to visit classrooms, speaking to students, sanctuary committee and learning from them about their school’s journey towards becoming a Champion School of Sanctuary.

The school has fully embedded an ethos of inclusivity and welcome which is tangible in the warm welcome of staff and students and the overall feeling experienced by all of us throughout our visit.

The school has engaged with the 3 Principles of becoming a school of sanctuary e.g. Learn, Action and Share. Their Sanctuary committee confidently outlined the many learning and activity based experiences undertaken over time eg, The Kindness Tree, Buddy Reading  and how the school collaborates and shares knowledge, experience and good practice with other schools, Mary Immaculate, each other and the wider community.

The school welcomes parents and encourages parental involvement in events. All cultures are acknowledged and celebrated as evidenced by the displays,  delicious food on offer and the natural, self-assured and unforced way in which parents and children chatted with us and each other.

The team were convinced that the  OLL has been on the Sanctuary journey for a long  time and has a staff and student body committed to the ideals of Schools of Sanctuary.

In recognition of their remarkable achievements, the School of Sanctuary Monitoring Team unanimously granted Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School the esteemed status of Champion School of Sanctuary, making it the 3rd of its kind in Limerick.

Congratulations to the teachers, students, and staff of Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School for their outstanding commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and belongs.

Artwork by Our Lady of Lourdes- A sign of welcome and belonging for everyone portrayed at the school’s entrance.

To learn more about  Our Lady of Lourdes or their Schools of Sanctuary Journey, please navigate through their School of Sanctuary Portfolio on Padlet, serving as an evidence of good practices, culture and achievements in creating and sustaining a culture of welcome, safety and inclusion for all, especially for those seeking sanctuary. , click here for their Portfolio

Here’s the School website if you like to contact the school or learn more about their journey.

Here are some more Photos from the Monitoring Day

Performance by students- School of Sanctuary Monitoring Day

Students Performing-Peace Proms- Monitoring Day, Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Limerick

Students sharing food, culture and country information. Students have done projects on different countries.

The SoS Monitoring Team Learning from students who have done projects on different countries represented in the school.

Class visits by Monitoring Team, students singing and performing. An amazing school environment

To learn more about schools of sanctuary and or to become a school of sanctuary, you could reach us using the following email address or by engaging with our website or social media channels.

Email:          [email protected]



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